Our Mission
St. Stephen’s Academy exists to support families and churches by providing an academically excellent classical Christian education that cultivates knowledge, wisdom, eloquence, and godly character and equips students with the tools of learning that will last a lifetime.
St. Stephen’s Academy has become one of the leading PreK-12 classical Christian schools in the Northwest. Our curriculum is designed to produce life-long learners who rightly understand and enjoy the world in which they live, engage contemporary culture from a Christian worldview, and communicate effectively, graciously, and truthfully. To accomplish this we follow a time-tested classical liberal arts curriculum organized around the Trivium (Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric), which generally corresponds to a child’s natural stages of intellectual development.
St. Stephen’s employs and develops highly effective teachers and staff who are committed to the classical model and strive to pass on their love of learning to their students. Our implementation of the classical Christian education model has been rigorously examined and affirmed by our accrediting body, the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS). Our education model consistently produces students who demonstrate knowledge, wisdom, eloquence, and virtue in their homes, churches, vocations, and communities.
As a classical Christian school, we believe and teach the following:
- that God has revealed Himself in the created world and, more fully, in the Bible, which reveals God’s plan to redeem the world through the person and work of Jesus Christ.
- that God calls every person to know, love, and enjoy Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
- that Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, left the glory of heaven to serve, even in the shame and pain of death on a cross, which he endured for our salvation.
- that God calls us to follow Christ’s example of self-sacrifice and humble service.
Therefore, we work to provide an environment where each child is given the opportunity to develop his or her understanding and affections within the framework of a biblical worldview. The school recognizes its theological foundation in the Protestant Reformed tradition, as articulated in the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Christian Foundation
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Interested in learning more about St. Stephen’s Academy? Schedule a visit to our campus and experience our exceptional educational environment firsthand.